Beautiful study of two dissimilar books--love the images you chose, too. Bernanos's book has been on my shelves for too long, unread! I'm eager to read with an eye for the themes you discuss. "Human life only makes sense in light of its creator." Wondering if that applies in a small way to the children and parents, spiritual and biological, in these novels.

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Thank you for your kind words, Melody! I always spend way too much time looking for apt images 😅 And the comprehensibility of life rooted in the relationship of Creator-creation or parent-child is absolutely a theme throughout in big and small ways. I had written a lot about it but had to cut most out because it was turning into a full on book haha

I can't wait to hear what you think of Diary of a Country Priest! It has swathes of really dense writing but on every reread, I just get so much more out of it and come away wanting to live a kinder, more grateful life.

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That's the very best kind of book! I'll think of it next time I need a little soul-scorching (in a good way).

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Diary of a Country Priest was such an incredible read for me. One of those books that just went to the depths of my heart and asked me to really examine my conscience. The comparison between the Priest and Claudia was so interesting-I like how these dissimilar characters illuminated one another

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Yes! It's incredible that it really does force you to examine your conscience without being even a little bit preachy. Have you read any of his other works? I meant to read Mouchette earlier this year but it just looked so bleak and it was a season in my life where I didn't feel I could handle it.

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That's such a good way to put it. I haven't but I definitely want to-though, as you said, you need to be in a particular frame of mind if his other books are anything as intense as Diary of a Country Priest

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Aug 28Liked by Dominika

This is such a moving comparison, Dominika! I kept thinking as I was reading that we have lost so much in modernity. Poor Claudia! My heart aches for her and the misery of her self-determined grasp for meaning. I read The Diary of a Country Priest several years ago and remember how visceral his physical suffering felt. This makes me want to reread it in light of my reading between then and now and with how lovingly you reflect on the priest. I remember thinking what a poignant figure he was as I read.

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Thank you, Elizabeth! It is really sad and frustrating to watch Claudia grasp at meaning especially because her tone is detached, cool, and self-congratulatory about it so often. I want someone to wake her up out of her apathy like the priest wakes Mme la Comtesse out of hers.

There's a passage in Diary of a Country Priest that felt like it was written exactly about our journalist Claudia. M. le Curé de Torcy says:

“The Word was made Flesh and not one of the journalists of those days even knew it was happening! When surely their experience should have taught them that true greatness, even human greatness, genius and courage, love, too…it's the devil to recognize ‘em!…they have to take bouquets of rhetoric to the graves. The dead alone receive their homage.”

But, you know what's interesting is that Claudia will get what she expects. She expects oblivion, to lose all consciousness of Tom, and like the priest says of Mme la Comtesse and her son: "you will cease to know one another." (Reminds me of the Narnian talking animals become dumb beasts in The Last Battle.)

These two books almost sing back and forth like a Greek chorus.

Would love to hear your thoughts on a reread of Bernanos!

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Aug 29Liked by Dominika

Oh wow, yes! What a conversation between the books! And I always found that scene in The Last Battle haunting.

I have a loose 2025 goal of reading more Catholic novels. I’m going to put re-reading Bernanos on the list.

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Ooh! I can't wait to see what books you end up reading! I'm looking forward to reading all your wonderful reviews :)

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Thank you! ❤️

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